Featured Projects at Cisco Systems and Lancope (acquired by Cisco)
Most of my day to day user experience work was around overhauling user flow and optimization of user journey from our campaigns and other social media properties to the Stealthwatch site.
[A Few Highlights | Guardians of the Network | Stealthwatch Icons & Rebrand]
What about design systems? I led the creation of several design systems while at Lancope as the products, services and company evolved. While I don’t have examples of those to share, I used those systems as a foundation to tackle all other work.
A Few Highlights
Here are a few interesting projects I worked on and highlights, including UX and implementation of a technical Wiki, internal and external partner portals, and more.

Guardians of the Network
brainstorming notes wire frames paper prototypes header graphic Guardians of the Network campaign
Platform: Web (including mobile first design)
Contribution/ Role: Creative direction, vendor management and project management
Network visibility is an extremely important and sometimes overlooked aspect of cyber security. This was a brand awareness marketing program for Stealthwatch, a comprehensive network monitoring and analytics product, and to ultimately drive potential clients down the acquisition funnel. The goal of the Guardians of the Network campaign to gain behind the scenes insight into the Stealthwatch product, and to further establish Cisco as a thought leader in network security.
Results: 71,244 organic impressions / 3,961 organic site traffic / 90% of content were most engaged posts on Cisco’s social media properties during campaign
Vendor Activities:
- Brand awareness marketing program comprised of strategizing and activating the Guardians of the Network campaign concept, aiming to shed light on the staff who help keep clients safe from cyber attacks
- Vendor executed office photoshoot to capture behind-the-scenes snapshots of the Stealthwatch staff
- Interviewed and crafted unique profiles for each employee to be featured on the Guardians of the Network landing page
- Generated engaging social content across Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook to promote the campaign
Stealthwatch Case Studies / Customer Stories
Customer featured section Customer story: Cisco CSIRT Scrolling
Platform: Web (including mobile first design)
Contribution/ Role: Creative direction, vendor management and project management
The process was to brainstorm with white boarding sessions and initial stakeholder discussions. Then wireframes were created and reviewed, adjusted and then prototypes created. Finally we set up a test version of the customer stories on a test server. We continued to iterate and adapt the design and behavior as we added content and tested the feature on different platforms including mobile devices and different browsers.
The Reality of Insider Threats Infographic

This infographic was created as a partner to an upcoming eBook and overall marketing campaign around the Insider Threats theme. [See a detailed image]
Purpose: Give a high level overview of Insider Threats to C-Suite and influencers.
Contributions / Role: UX and Graphic Design including interactive design for marketing campaigns and website. The colors and imagery needed to share a palette and match the look of the lancope.com website. I reused some imagery from the website and also created a few of my own (the devil for example) and used or adapted some icons from the Font Awesome glyph set.
Context-Aware Security Analytics (Infographic, Interactive diagram and creative direction)

Continuous Response Infographic
video link: https://youtu.be/MRCLAVlhuFM
Contributions/Role: Design lead & conceptual design, final design.
The design of this info-graphic was highly iterative. We began with a “room to room” concept and nailed the look of the characters early on, but changed the layout of the central design to a circle to better illustrate the cyclical nature of continuous response to cyber security issues. I created an initial sketch of a character then our Jr. Designer built a whole group of people. I used product screenshots and user personae to build screenshots shown in the design. Several of the icons were net new or reused from the “It’s Just Metadata” shirt project. The process was white board sketches, then napkin/pencil sketches, then mockups and finally builds of the layout and assets in Adobe Illustrator to make it scalable for different media.
Cisco Stealthwatch Product Rebrand: 10 Products & Services, one family.

Contribution/Role: Creative direction, user research and design. Part of larger Cisco Stealthwatch rebrand efforts.
Business problem: The Stealthwatch product marketing library had very generic box shapes representing most of the products and services. These did not help illustrate what they did. It also made the diagrams and data sheet illustrations very boring.
Solution: I met with product managers and technical subject matter experts and engineers to better understand what problems each product or service helped solve and how they worked. I used this research to create a series of sketches and then create icons for the Stealthwatch Management Console, Flow Collector, Flow Sensor, and the product that became the UDP Director. The most recent of these has been the Cisco Stealthwatch Network Learning License. The Proxywatch License and Packetwatch license icons were made in collaboration with my team lead.